This Kingston graduate is full of great ideas and has a portfolio of fun, exuberant work that demonstrates a desire to work across mediums.

Jack Wills Valentines, 2015

How would you describe your practice?

I graduated last summer from university and I’m still trying to figure out what exactly my practice is. After doing months and months of internships at graphic design studios and advertising agencies, I decided I wanted a break and to take a shot at doing my own thing. So currently I’m doing a mixture of graphic design, illustration and making objects for either other people or my own pleasure. All I want to do in my work is make things understandable, honest and fun.

Kingston University Degree Show, 2013

You took part in D&AD's New Blood Academy recently, how was that for you?

It was the best (and most intense) fortnight ever, lots of making, listening and discussing. The best part was getting to meet the other attendees from different art and ad schools from all over the world, it was great to have a global perspective for briefs and also to see the way they approach projects. And the talks line up was stellar: from Hirsch & Mann to Google to Streetwise Opera.

Jack Wills Valentines, 2015
Jack Wills Valentines, 2015

Tell us about a professional project you've worked on recently.

I recently did some illustrations and GIFs for Jack Wills’ Instagram over the Valentines period. It was good fun producing images for a mass audience and working to a limited colour palette, I have no qualms with pink and blue so it was fine.

Hand Tools, 2014
Sharing Book, 2014
Sharing Book, 2014

What are you working on now and what’s next?

Currently I’m working on a bumper zine of fashion illustrations, the perfect excuse to practice figures and also drool over (and draw) lots of yummy shoes. It’s going to be the drawn bible of A/W 2015. Next I’m hoping to do an unofficial residency at a free London Museum (shh!) and an exhibition of the work produced there, if I don’t get chucked out.

Plaay Studio, 2013
Plaay Studio, 2013

Who would your ideal collaboration be with?

My ideal collaboration would be with an architect. They would create the structure of the house and I would litter the house with drawn textiles, ceramics, walls and furniture – the interiors and exteriors would be totally in sync. In the meantime though, I wouldn’t mind working with a road painter and shaking up the type, colours and shapes on the streets of London.

Thatch Hat, 2014
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