“If we're not looking out of the window,” says Ben of BCMH, “we look to our bookshelves for inspiration. Here are five of our favourites”. Take it away boys...

HEADCASE, Ian Wright. Portraits by the inimitable and evergreen Ian Wright.
Signs + Emblems 2, Erhardt D. Steibner and Dieter Urban. A brilliant collection of 70s/80s logos and squiggles.
Jazz Blvd., Niklaus Troxler Posters, Lars Müller Publishers. The magical, musical posters of Niklaus Troxler.
Bruno Munari, Air Made Visible, Lars Müller Publishers. Two words. Bruno. Munari.
The Brand New Monty Python Book. Every single element of this book, from the title to format, has been Monty Python-ed. A complete piece of design.
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