A nice cup of tea and a biscuit breaks up an afternoon in the office, but there’s much more to it than that, says Inventory Studio's Robert Boon...

Hobnob: Hard work gets rewards. It takes a lot of work to eat, but is worth it for the great taste.
Party Ring: Remember to be humble, remember your audience. Design is not always for designers.
Jammy Dodger: A fortuitous moment E.g spotting a creative opportunity or a last minute typo before sending something to print.
Salted Caramel Cookie: Studio culture The moreish 'crack biscuit' is a studio in joke. It's good to laugh together as well as work together.
Bonne Maman French Butter Gallettes: Embrace teamwork and collaboration, they lead to better results.

We know tea/coffee and biscuits can be a bit of a cliché, but they serve multiple functions for us in the studio – creatively and socially — like sharing a strong pot of coffee on monday morning while we catch up on weekend's stories or a cookie as we plan a challenge ahead.

Getting up to make a round of tea for people takes you out of your chair and allows you mind to wander as well as your feet. Walking past someone else's desk often sparks conversation about what they/you are working on and provides a moment for input and discussion.

It has also been proven that a change in activity requires new neurological connections to form in different parts of your brain needed for this new task. Meaning that when you sit back down and begin work again those 'design' connections reform in a slightly different way than before and therefor can provide a new thought or perspective.

We are designers because we love the work we get to do and so time can fly by whilst being immersed in a project. We also have a sweet tooth so biscuits — in almost all varieties — are a treat in afternoon and often needed morale boost to hit that looming deadline. One particular type we have nicknamed 'crack biscuits' as once opened they always get finished.

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