BLAG (Better Letters Magazine) is the world's only print and online publication dedicated to sign painting.
BLAG exists to inform and inspire the international sign painting community, by celebrating exciting work and sharing knowledge and resources. It's run by Sam Roberts, but ultimately you are in charge of where the magazine goes.
About Sam
Better Letters was born in 2013 as a natural extension to Sams work on Ghostsigns. The aim was to champion sign painting and foster greater appreciation of the trade. In the years since, this has led to him organising countless events, managing a variety of sign painting projects, and writing books and articles about the craft.
In addition to supporting Mike Meyer with his worldwide workshops programme, Sam has also gained huge satisfaction from the voluntary projects he has been involved with. These have included organising Letterheads meets, producing the 'When Better Letters Met' series of short films, and helping to support and connect people inside and outside the trade.

BLAG is a new and exciting direction for Sams work. It allows him to continue supporting the international sign painting community by sharing work and learning opportunities, and helping to bring everyone together.

FIND OUT MORE : / @betterletters