Opening this Thursday to coincide with the annual London honey Harvest, Barnes & Webb presents Save The Bees — a chance to see and buy amazing artwork to raise money for the beleaguered bee.

Artwork by Edward Carvalho Monaghan

If you thought the London Design Festival was the only important thing happening in the capital this week, think again. It’s also time for the annual London honey harvest for bee-keeping enterprise Barnes & Webb. As well as gathering honey from the urban hives it maintains around London, Barnes & Webb will unveil its exhibition Save The Bees, an art-themed homage to the important insects that not only keep us supplied with delicious honey, but which also play an important role in the balance of the natural ecosystem.

Save the Bees is an exhibition and auction of artwork to raise awareness and funds for the campaign to combat world-wide depletion of the honey bee population.

Artwork by Jean Jullien
Artwork by Sanna Annuka
Artwork by Robert Hunter
Artwork by Jody Barton

Barnes & Webb has invited a roster of acclaimed artists and designers to make an original work that will be sold at auction during the exhibition at Forge & Co Gallery from 18 — 21 September. As well as work by the likes of Anthony Burrill, Stanley Donwood, Hvass & Hannibal, Sanna Annuka, Jean Jullien, Angie Lewin and Kristjana S Williams, visitors to the exhibition will also have the chance to see a living pollinator garden.

Barnes & Webb is pretty dedicated when it comes to honey bees — its service allows people to adopt bees, rent hives and get involved in the production of local honey and preservation of bees throughout London. It makes and sells ‘postcode’ honey to fund new hives in schools and community spaces around the capital.

Artwork by Anthony Burrill

Private view and auction Thursday 18th Sept
7 — 11pm

To attend please rsvp

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