To celebrate Kemistry Gallery's new pop up show 100 Years of Graphic Design, we've organised a special series of giveaways featuring prints from designers whose work features in the show...

Next up is Damien Poulain who has kindly donated one of these prints to a lucky Grafik reader.

The highly collectible posters were designed by Poulain for the Secousse parties in Paris, and form part of a wider visual communication scheme he designed for the concept bar Le Comptoir General. They are offset printed and were pasted onto walls around Paris.

To be in with a chance of getting your hands on one, just send an email with 'Damien Poulain' in the subject box to, telling us which year Damien established his imprint Oodee and which poster you'd like. Deadline is 23 March 2015, and you can find the answer here.

Kemistry: 100 Years of Graphic Design
Saturday 7 March – Sunday 15 March
Protein Studios, 31 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EY.

Opening hours are 10am – 6pm, full details can be found here.
Please note that by entering this giveaway you are consenting for your email address to be added to our weekly newsletter subscriber list. Please unsubscribe if you do not wish to receive the newsletter.

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