Win a set of Innocent Targets posters by Anthony Burrill and Banana & Associates, as well as VIP tickets to the exhibition opening, hosted by Grafik and Protein

The shooting range environment, with it’s target-practice graphics, is alarmingly familiar to many average Americans — there are over 18,000 shooting ranges in the States, most decked out with standard issue target posters, encouraging users to take aim at images of thugs, terrorists, aliens and zombies.

Innocent Targets, a new collaboration by Anthony Burrill and Banana & Associates, brings to light the dark irony of these target graphics, highlighting the fact that the real victims of gun crime are not the cartoon-like ‘bad guys’ but ordinary folk— neighbours, family members, the guy in your local shop.

The series of posters by Burrill and Banana & Associates places innocent victims at the centre of shooting targets as a powerful reminder of the gun crime problem that is so prevalent in America, but also an issue that concerns us all as global citizens.

Grafik is proud to support Innocent Targets by hosting an exhibition of the artworks at Protein Space in Shoreditch, London next week 12 — 16 November. The posters will be available for sale (with proceeds going to The Coalition To Stop Gun Violence).

We’re offering one lucky reader the fabulous prize of a set of four posters, signed by Anthony, and a pair of VIP tickets to the exhibition opening in London, 12 November 2014.

To be in with a chance of winning, tell us which animal features alongside the humans in the Innocent Targets poster series (head here to do your sleuthing)

This giveaway is now CLOSED. Congratulations to our winner Ailsa Marrs.

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