A new exhibition of ephemera at Berlin's Museum der Dinge features over 450 pieces from its extensive collection, advertising everything from cooker hoods to roast chicken.

Promotional brochure for the furniturecompany Furniture Continent, 1970s

Advertising often reveals things that the history books don't – what the man and woman in the street eat, wear and aspire to spend their hard earned cash on. For its new exhibition entitled Ephemera, which is sure to make for fascinating viewing, the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge in Berlin has dug deep into its collection and pulled out 450 examples of print advertising from the past 100 years.  

The museum's Documents of Everyday Culture department is described as an 'open archive', with both the collections policy and way that the items are classified made completely transparent. It houses the two dimensional examples which hold equal cultural significance as their three dimensional counterparts, but are often discarded due to their ephemeral nature. As well as the historical pieces, he exhibition will also feature contemporary examples, which illustrate recurring visual themes, as well as the fact that our basic needs and aspirations have actually changed very little over the years.


Promotional brochure for the battery company Mallory, 1950
Magazine advertising, Pepsi-Cola, 1970s
Promotional brochure for Möbelhof, 1970

Ephemera – Advertising Graphics from the Collection of Documents of Everyday Culture
Exhibitions runs until 05 July 2015

Museum der Dinge
2015 Werkbundarchiv
Oranienstraße 25
10999 Berlin

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