For its third issue, People of Print’s magazine Print Isn’t Dead returns with an opportunity to customise its front cover with musings, slogans, well-wishes, even expletives, made possible with cutting-edge print technology HP® Indigo.

Element 003, Print Isn’t Dead, by People of Print, 2015
Element 003, Print Isn’t Dead, by People of Print, 2015

In the past, customisation meant that either you (or someone you’d paid handsomely) had to alter an object by hand, expressing individuality through time and graft. In fact Element 002, the second issue of magazine Print Isn’t Dead from ink and paper evangelists People of Print, went down this route by inviting Heretic Printers to screenprint limited-edition covers for a small number of its issues, creating a unique (and totally psychedelic) cover for each. For Element 003, People of Print have decided to explore how customisation can be updated for the digital age, and for that they need your help.

Element 003, Print Isn’t Dead, by People of Print, 2015
Element 003, Print Isn’t Dead, by People of Print, 2015

Using recently developed printing technology HP® Indigo, People of Print is able to offer its readers the opportunity to personalise their cover by submitting up to 250 characters when ordering a copy of the latest magazine. Once you’ve entered you hard-hitting slogan, joke, question or mere nonsense, People of Print designer James Lunn will typeset each cover individually (using Milieu Grotesque’s Patron typeface), before the image is sent away to Pureprint’s facility in Uckfield, which will print it in white ink using HP® Indigo onto Sirio Ultra Black paper from Fedrigoni.

Inside (printed using litho in blue, black and orange), the content reflects this innovative approach with articles themes of personalisation, variable data and the idea of permanence, and insight from the likes of Eike König, Hansje van Halem, YEVU Clothing, Peter Judson, Studio Moross, Kin Design, and Brixton Brewery. Order your copy here.

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