Want to be part of a gigantic illustrated christmas tree on Instagram? Read on to discover how you can join New Future Graphic's big festive experiment...

Tree decorations by Jenny K Bowers (top) and Supermundane

"From stupid fun, good things happen," so says London design studio New Future , and we couldn't agree more. Its Tree Massive Instagram project is here to lighten spirits in the design world as deadline fever mounts to strike off each point on the to-do list before the Christmas holidays.

Tree decorations by T_o_w_e_r_s (top), Rob Ryan (middle) and Holly Wales

New Future Graphic 'planted' the base of a graphic illustrated tree on Instagram and then invited friends, collaborators and complete strangers to submit layer-upon-layer to build a tree that will tower over the the tallest festive firs. And with admirable design-geekiness, they've calculated it down to the last pixel. "We're aiming to create a tree that is taller than the one at Trafalgar square," says Marcus Walters of NFG," by calculating the pixel height. Instagram images are displayed at 214px high in grid view. 75,590 pixels equates to 20m based on iPhone 5s."

Tree decorations by Lucylikestodraw (top), theoldowsky (middle) and Seecreaturedesign

So far, the tree is sprouting with baubles, patterns and glitzy gewgaws from illustrators and designer including Rob Ryan, Supermundane, Adrian Johnson, Crispin Finn, Holly Wales and Steve Wilson.

You too, can be part of the project by submitting a design before 22 December, when NFG will top the tree with a show-stopping graphic decoration and there will be prizes for the best contributions.

"Craft a beautiful message of hope, intelligence or stupidity for the wider world, promote a good cause, or just design a lovely bauble," say NFG. "Posting is at our discretion, although we’re not that discreet.”

Tree base by NFG

View the tree Instagram @treemassive and go to www.tree.construction to download templates and further instructions.

The deadline for submission is the 22 December

See more of New Future Graphic's work here.

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