This Glasgow-based designer’s work is full of wit and colour and her new studio, RISOTTO, looks set to raise the temperature on Clydeside.

Drake bar poster, risograph print, June 2014
Bake-To-Date, giglee print, self-directed, June 2012

Describe your workspace to us.

My studio at the moment is a colour/paper cave in an old Glue Factory in Glasgow. I guess you could say it's pretty flammable.

What are the best and worst aspects of what you do?

The best aspect would be the variety of people I work with and meet day-to-day. Worst would be the fact that most things happen indoors.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Listening to dancehall tracks too early in the morning.

How do you develop your concepts?

I do a few different routines until something clicks. Trawling image archives (consistently 60s and 70s furniture) is one, bouncing ideas off my friends or going for a pensive swim are others.

Supersigns silk scarves depicting the star sign, self-directed, Feb 2014
Urban Outfitters Carrier Bag Design, June 2011
2014 Calendar, risograph print, self-directed, Dec 2013
Curvy, risograph print, self-directed, May 2013
Bloomberg Businessweek spread, July 2012
Nice'N'Sleazy Club Flyers, May 2013
Errors, LP design, July 2012

What are you working on right now?

Right this second; textile designs for an exhibition called India Street, a poster for my friend’s club night, and eating my lunch with one hand.

Who are your heroes?

Ettore Sottsass, Nathalie Du Pasquier and all their friends.

Tell us about the piece of work you’re most proud of.

Wrapping Inverness Library in gigantic colourful plastic patterns. Size isn't everything, but this time it might be.

What’s been your most interesting creative collaboration?

It's one that is in the mix at the moment, which involves creating mad sticker collections with two good friends of mine.

MapMagazine Festival booklet. risograph print, April 2014
Freaky Freaky Poster, riso print, Nov 2013
Inverness Library Mural, plastic coated canvas, Book Week Scotland, Nov 2013
Urban Outfitters Mag illustration for Pitchfork music Festival, 2011
Risotto's 1st birthday invites, risograph print, Sept 2013

What’s been the biggest turning point in your career?

Starting RISOTTO (a risograph print studio) here in Glasgow. It's allowed me to facilitate a range of creative individuals and local businesses with punchy paper goods. It's been great because It's allowed me to mix my love of printing with my design practice, and broaden the variety of people and companies I can work with.

If the building was on fire and you could only grab one thing from your studio, what would it be?

Un-romantically, my computer. Then, depending how strong I'm feeling, maybe my bookshelf. Or the other way around.

Risotto Studio, photo credit Make Works + Ross Fraser McLean, July 2013
Ride club poster and flyers,risograph print, Nov 2013
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