Kemistry Gallery in Shoreditch has been giving free cultural sustenance to the graphic designers of Britain for a decade. Now it’s payback time — Kemistry needs you.

Pushed out of their premises by huge rent hikes, the Kemistry team faces a fork in the road. Close the gallery or evolve, grow and look to the future? Being enterprising sorts, they are, of course, taking the latter route, But they need your help.

Kemistry launches a Kickstarter campaign today to help fund a tenth anniversary extravaganza, which will lead onto a phase two of their ambitions, to open a permanent public centre for graphic design. They have already received some funding from the Arts Council but need to match it with public funding.

There are some great incentives, including rare and covetable printed matter from the Kemistry archives. The top draw is a day of print making with Anthony Burrill.

Kemistry has been a beacon of graphic design exhibition programming in London for ten years, bringing us exhibitions by Ken Garland, Milton Glaser, Saul Bass, Parra and Yokoland, to name but a few. But their plans for the future are even more exciting and ambitious, so let’s show our support and make the next phase in Kemistry’s illustrious story a reality.

Support the campaign here:
Kemistry Kickstarter

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