An adept typographer, illustrator and photographer, this multitalented graduate is definitely one to keep an eye on.

Frame, Shape & Shift poster University of Brighton Students / – A3 March 2012
On Creation, Collaboration and Curation University project / Images artist's own, from a collaborative project with Isaac Morgan A3/A2 May 2013
On Creation, Collaboration and Curation University project / artist's own, from a collaborative project with Isaac Morgan A3/A2 May 2013
On Creation, Collaboration and Curation University project / Images artist's own, from a collaborative project with Isaac Morgan A3/A2 May 2013
RRCP University project / – – November 2012
Car Park Show mailer (and custom typeface) Car Park Show / – A3 June 2013
Car Park Show private view invite (and custom typeface) Car Park Show / – A5 June 2013

What are the best and worst aspects of what you do?

The best part for me is the buzz of coming up with an idea and then developing it into a finished body of work, however I find it's very easy to get completely wrapped up in graphic design to the detriment of other areas of life (my tennis is getting a bit rusty).

How do you develop your concepts?

Researching the subject matter and identifying what needs to be communicated has to be the starting point, this then informs the visual language of a project. In terms of development, some ideas seem to progress naturally, whereas others require a more forced and rational approach. Being under pressure often helps.
What are you working on right now?

Since graduating from the University of Brighton last summer I've been working in-house for shoe designer Nicholas Kirkwood, producing web and print marketing materials, as well as working on elements for the shoe design and production team. It's been a steep learning curve moving so quickly from education to the demands of a fashion studio, but it's been exciting to see projects move so quickly from screen to finished products. It's also been great working with such an eclectic mix of talent.

What's the secret to successful poster design?


Tell us about your most productive accident/valuable mistake?

I can't think of one accident or mistake which has really had a huge impact on the way I work, but I did draw a blank on a project in my final year of University, so decided to just buy a 35mm film camera and shoot a series of photos. I had forgotten how much I enjoy photography, and have since incorporated it into a lot of my work.

If the building was on fire and you could only grab one thing from your studio, what would it be?

I really wish I had a more interesting answer, but I'm going to have to say my laptop.

Who or what is your graphic design anti-hero?

I don't know about 'anti-heros', but I'm inspired by people who are confident with their creative identity and who's work is informed by an underpinning creative philosophy, as opposed to style or trend… To name just a few names: Le Corbusier, Andy Warhol, Joseph Muller Brockman, Wim Crouwel, The Entente, North, Hort, Experiemental Jetset, Helmo.

ETC (University of Brighton Degree show branding proposal) University of Brighton Faculty of Arts / Collaboration with Alice Letman A2 December 2012
UBVAS poster (in situ) University of Brighton Visiting Artists Society / – A3 2012 - 2013
UBVAS poster (in situ) University of Brighton Visiting Artists Society / – A3 2012 - 2013
Horby 150 University project / – A2 June 2013
Horby 150 University project / – A2 June 2013
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