Hot in the city? If you dream of escaping to nature, follow these simple steps, courtesy of the penultimate 'how to' in our guides by entrepreneurial designers...

Illustration by La Tigre

How to…
Survive in the wild

Andrew Groves is a maker who lives in a barn in the woods from which he runs Miscellaneous Adventures, a craft project showcasing and selling handmade wooden objects and outdoor accessories, and teaching fellow creatives how to make their own things from wood on regular outdoor workshops.

1. Learn to navigate: while the idea of getting lost might seem romantic to some, becoming disorientated in the great outdoors is actually quite terrifying. Learning how to read a map and use a compass is not only a way of ensuring you can find your way home (or to the pub) at the end of a day out on the trail, but also your key to discovering awesome locations and planning epic adventures.

2. Get organised: this isn’t the most exciting sounding skill, but being well organised is sure to maximise your enjoyment when camping, hiking and exploring. Make sure you know where everything goes in your rucksack; pack it the same way every time so you never need to be rummaging around in the dark for your torch or waterproof jacket when it starts chucking it down. Separating everything into smaller dry bags is a really great way of organising your gear inside your rucksack too. You can even colour code them if you’re feeling creative.

3. Get good stuff: money shouldn’t be a barrier to getting out and about in nature, but investing in a few high quality pieces of equipment will make your transition from city life to wilderness living a more comfortable experience. You don’t need lots of little gadgets, keep it simple instead and spend your hard earned cash on good leather walking boots, a breathable, packable waterproof jacket and trousers, and a decent tent and sleeping bag.

Read Robert Urquhart's article about entrepreneurial designers here.

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