To coincide with the Ladybird by Design exhibition and publication, here's a chance to win a framed Ladybird art print courtesy of the lovely people at Easyart.

For readers of a certain age, the diminutive Ladybird books are a source of instant nostalgia, and the (often very mundane) images permanently etched on our brains. Celebrating Ladybird's 100th year, there's a rare opportunity to see some of the original artwork in the flesh at the Ladybird by Design exhibition at the De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill (read Richard Hogg's excellent review here).

In this week's Objekts of Desire, there's a chance to win your own framed Ladybird Alphabet print courtesy of the lovely people at Easyart. As the name suggests, Easyart makes the process of buying and framing pictures as pain-free as possible. As well as prints from individual artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol, there are collections from the Illustrated London News, The Imperial War Museum and Hammer Films from which to choose from, plus a wide range of sizes, mounts and frames to individualise your selection.

To be in with a chance of winning a framed print up to the value of £110, just send an email with 'Ladybird' in the subject box to, telling us the county in England in which Easyart is based. Deadline is 01 March 2015 – find the answer and make your selection here.

Vintage Ladybird prints are available exclusively from Copyright Ladybird books

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