Graphic designers: ever have trouble explaining to your family what you do? Graphic Design Festival Breda is challenging designers to define the profession for this year’s Open Call Poster Project.

For this year’s fifth iteration of the Graphic Design Festival Breda, running from 25 September to 25 October, the festival of contemporary graphic design will be exploring the designer’s changing role within their industry, economy and wider culture.

The Festival will showcase the work of a generation of designers navigating this new, exciting and ill-defined profession. It’s a time of stimulating possibility for the graphic design industry, but how do you explain to your mum what you do?

This question underpins the festival’s Open Call Poster Project. The project brief is simple but broad: graphic designers are challenged to create a poster that conveys what they do, and why. Designers of books, typeface, programmes or images are invited to submit their posters by July 5 for an opportunity to be included in the Festival. The posters will be assessed by a professional jury, including industry dons like Dennis Elbers and Rene Wawrzkiewicz, with the fifty most innovative works included in the Festival as a public exhibition in the Gothic city of Breda.

As the field of graphic design is expanding and contracting, the job description can defy words. Thankfully, visual communication is our domain. For Open Call Poster Project, graphic designers are encouraged to use the tools of their trade to convey what, actually, their trade is.