More than sixty leading designers will speak at Typo Berlin next month, which this year focuses on the lasting values of design in an increasingly globalised marketplace.

Typo audience, © Thorsten Wulff

There’s no denying that the Internet has made the world a significantly smaller place. Even the tiniest kitchen table design studios use the web to respond to commissions and deliver final projects across the globe, sometimes without even meeting their clients. The next edition of design conference Typo Berlin will address the question of how globalisation is affecting the design industry, focusing on the differences between local and global approaches and the core values of design that remain the same wherever your client is located.

Themed on the concept of ‘roots’, the conference will aim to discuss when to design locally and when globally, how to present your practice in a worldwide marketplace, and what the role of designers should be now that design is a cog in the wheel of a world-encompassing supply chain. Is less still more and what is needed to survive that accelerated pace of digitalisation? The international line-up of speakers includes David Carson, Fraser Muggeridge, Ulrike Damm, Joost Grootens, Hamish Muir, Snask, Roger Law and Christian Hanke.

Grafik has three tickets to give away for Typo Berlin. For a chance to scoop up the prize, tell us why we should choose you, and send your contact details to with the subject line ‘Typo Berlin’.*

*Please note, this giveaway does not include travel to, or accommodation in Berlin.15—17 May 2014
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

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