Art director Kenzi Benabdallah has created an alphabet of forbidden Muslim sins to keep him on the straight and narrow during Ramadan - a letter per day.

Whether it’s developing an addiction to gherkins when you’re avoiding chocolate or taking up origami as you’re trying to cut down on the fags, most people develop little tricks and rituals to help them triumph over unwanted desires. But Algerian-born, Berlin-based Kenzi Benabdallah channelled his temptation into a far more creative path this past Ramadan by developing a Haram typeface, one letter for each of the 30 days of the Islamic month of fasting and abstinence.  

Each of Benabdallah’s letters have been inspired by a Haram or ‘sinful’ practice, with the aim of keeping him on the straight and narrow during Ramadan in Berlin - a city not exactly known for its lack of hedonism. The sins in question range from the big guns (murder, fornication and adultery, gambling) to smaller transgressions (eating fish without scales, consuming medication containing gelatine), creating a thoughtful, and sometimes amusing, set of downloadable pictograms.

Showing Skin, from Haram Type, Kenzi Benabdallah, 2014
Drinking Khamr, from Haram Type, Kenzi Benabdallah, 2014
Eating Pork, from Haram Type, Kenzi Benabdallah, 2014
Gambling, from Haram Type, Kenzi Benabdallah, 2014
Murder, from Haram Type, Kenzi Benabdallah, 2014
Eye Contact with the Opposite Sex, from Haram Type, Kenzi Benabdallah, 2014
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