Join the Grafik editorial team on Thursday to help us make a newspaper for Microsoft Lumia in one day – we're welcoming visitors to our space in London and digital submissions from around the world.

Grafik will be taking over Studio 2 gallery in Shoreditch on Thursday 25 June to produce a newspaper for Microsoft Lumia in one day and we’d like you, dear reader, to join us in making it happen. We’ve already enlisted the help of some of our favourite creative people to make some amazing work live in the space and contribute to our newsprint publication, which will be distributed all around the UK the following day.

We're one of five magazines each making a publication – The Five to Nine – this week. Our newspaper is all about celebrating the power of making and doing. We’ll interview designers who have broken free from their comfort zones to try something new, from bee-keeping and making furniture, to building a magazine empire and opening a shop – people who have made their private obsessions into a key part of their daily practice. They’re entrepreneurs who have turned passion into profit, starting exciting new businesses, all based on what really makes them tick.

Art director and set designer Rachel Thomas will be building an installation as the day unfolds. Hand lettering artist Oli Frape will be doing some live sign writing based on Tweets from Grafik readers. He’ll also be running a free lunchtime lettering workshop.

Ways to get involved

Hand Lettering at Lunchtime with Oli Frape – book free tickets here.

Have your tweet hand lettered – tweet us the advice that has changed the way you work and Oli will draw it as a beautiful composition. Complete the sentence ‘The only rule is….’ and tweet it to @grafikmag with the hashtag #AchieveMore

I Made This Today  – send us a photo of your impressive one-day creative endeavours and we’ll feature the most inspiring in our newspaper. It could be anything from an animation, to an artwork, to an edible delight  – wow us with your inventiveness. Send your submissions here.

Come and say hello – we’ll be working in Studio One all day so do drop by and say hello to the team. Bring your one-day creative projects and we’ll photograph them for the newspaper.

All this is made possible thanks to our good friends at Protein and the sponsorship of Microsoft Lumia.

Barnes & Webb, urban bee-keepers
Ceramics by illustrator-turned-potter Will Edmunds
Sam Roberts, inventor of Better Letters workshops and Ghost Signs walks features in our newspaper (photo by Simon Schoch/
Graphic designer Neal Whittington created successful stationery business Present & Correst
Cathy Olmedillas turned her passion for mags into a mini publishing empire
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