With a multidisciplinary approach and focus on the city of Porto, Travelogue Summer School is the latest opportunity for designers and artists to convene over the summer.

As summer comes ploddingly around the corner, so do a host of design summer schools to refresh your enthusiasm for the day job or to prepare you for the real world. One of the cream of this year’s crop is Travelogue Summer School, taking place in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Porto, Portugal.

What makes Travelogue Summer School standout is its multidisciplinary approach and clear focus on an outcome: the school will feature workshops from the likes of graphic designers Europa, research-based practitioners Brave New Alps, architects DK-CM and artist Anna Best, among others. The aim of the school will be to create a sort of alternative guidebook to Porto which can act as an alternative to the standard eulogising guidebook and ‘reimagine the urban arena as a space to question social and political relations.’

Taking place over the course of a week in August, Travelogue Summer School promises to be a collaborative, intense and no doubt enjoyably productive way to spend some of your summer.

Travelogue Summer School
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
03 – 08 August 2015

Brave New Alps
Project Paper
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